Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Two new Characters.

It was wet out and the sun was about to set. I could barely see the rays of sun through the tall trees. The moment I was waiting for, a prefect time to run. As I slipped on my shoes I hear the phone ring. I think I'll the let machine get this one.

Water ran down my face as I ran toward the sunset. My pulse was beating harder with every second. I hadn't reached the five mile mark before I collapsed. I laid there thinking, I have ran this distance before time and time again, without a single drop of sweat. This should have been a piece of cake for me and more so since I have sent a majority of my life running the the rain. That's when the migraine hit. I recently started having them. My doctor said it was due to my lack of appetite. Over the last few month it has slowly decrease and I can't seem to find anything worth filling my stomach. Heading back to the house something caught my eye off in the distance. The smell hit me hard. Blood, something in me triggered hunger right away. This urge was new, it scared me. I kept running.

Walking in I hit play on the answering machine as I undressed heading for the bathroom. I had seven messages. The first four were telemarketers, two were from my aunt checking up on me, and the last one was from an uncle I have never heard of. Jefferson, that was his name. He waned to meet me tonight at the local bar in town. I was planing on heading that way tonight anyway, why not, right? 

I pulled in to the parking lot and saw a black Maserati, that must be his. This small town is full of trucks and jeeps, anyone driving a nice car is usually just passing through. As I walk through the door theres an urgent sense of uncertainty. I quickly skim the room and recognize all the faces sitting at the bar. There he was in the darkest corner of the bar. I didn't see his face right away as he hid it well with a Hisenburg hat. I greeted everyone as I normally would then excused myself immediately. "Hello Carter", he said. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

New Character...

I have a reocurring nightmare about a big dog attacking me. I feel its hot breath on my neck and before I can turn aroud my heart stops, that's when I wake up. Every night it's the same thing and my clock reads the same hour, the same minutes. Tonight I woke up and it was different. Everything was the same but I just felt different. As I washed my face, I saw it. There it was. A mark, on my neck. Some kind of birth mark, only I've never had a birth mark. In the 18 years I have been alive there has never been a single mark on me. Not a mole, not a skin tag, not a freckle, not a spot. little did I know it was an eighteenth birthday present from my real parents whom I've never met. My name is Nixon I am an 18 year old from small town Virginia and I come from the oldest blood line of likins. 

Monday, November 11, 2013


It's late and I woke up in the woods again. The night was frigid and quite. I felt her eyes on me. I was being watched not from a near distance but what felt like a different life time. My heart was beating so loud and fast I couldn't hear my self think or even process how I got here. With in seconds my entire human life flashed before my eyes. This is the moment I died. I felt my soul leave my body. As I looked up there it was, one star in the dark sky as bright as the moon and in that moment I knew. I'm not sure how I got here but that was relevant because this is were I was meant to be. It was the end of an ordinary life and the beginning of an extraordinary tale. 

My human name was Troy but my ture name is Reagan and I am a mystic which is what humans call a mutant... 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Parents Big Mistake

My youngest daughter had to color and dress a turkey over the weekend. I cut the turkey out and said have at it. I did help her with minor treacherous details that she just simply gave up on after many attempts of doing it herself. Today I saw a little boy in her class holding his turkey while waiting in line. It was a Batman turkey and boy was it a very well constructed turkey. Obviously the parents took over the project. It was very well colored and very prestigiously dressed. I seriously doubt that the little boy even had a hand in his own turkey. This makes me sad and mad. These are five/six year old kids that are discovering how to make/build/construct with THIER OWN two hands. They should be able to freely express their own creativity. They should be able to color OUTSIDE the lines. Shame on you parents that completely take over a project to fulfill some creepy desire live vicariously through your child. Let them be who they are not who you want them to be. 

There is a huge difference with helping shape your child to become the person that they are meant to be and shaping them to be who you want them to be. Give them options and support what options they chose. 

End of rant. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Ok, I am trying out this new thing that I did once a very long time ago but some how got lost in the conflict of it all. Blogging. It's new for me, sort of. I'm really use to only writing for myself but if I don't share now then when, right!? 

A special thank you to Kayla for motivation!