Monday, November 11, 2013


It's late and I woke up in the woods again. The night was frigid and quite. I felt her eyes on me. I was being watched not from a near distance but what felt like a different life time. My heart was beating so loud and fast I couldn't hear my self think or even process how I got here. With in seconds my entire human life flashed before my eyes. This is the moment I died. I felt my soul leave my body. As I looked up there it was, one star in the dark sky as bright as the moon and in that moment I knew. I'm not sure how I got here but that was relevant because this is were I was meant to be. It was the end of an ordinary life and the beginning of an extraordinary tale. 

My human name was Troy but my ture name is Reagan and I am a mystic which is what humans call a mutant... 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Parents Big Mistake

My youngest daughter had to color and dress a turkey over the weekend. I cut the turkey out and said have at it. I did help her with minor treacherous details that she just simply gave up on after many attempts of doing it herself. Today I saw a little boy in her class holding his turkey while waiting in line. It was a Batman turkey and boy was it a very well constructed turkey. Obviously the parents took over the project. It was very well colored and very prestigiously dressed. I seriously doubt that the little boy even had a hand in his own turkey. This makes me sad and mad. These are five/six year old kids that are discovering how to make/build/construct with THIER OWN two hands. They should be able to freely express their own creativity. They should be able to color OUTSIDE the lines. Shame on you parents that completely take over a project to fulfill some creepy desire live vicariously through your child. Let them be who they are not who you want them to be. 

There is a huge difference with helping shape your child to become the person that they are meant to be and shaping them to be who you want them to be. Give them options and support what options they chose. 

End of rant. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Ok, I am trying out this new thing that I did once a very long time ago but some how got lost in the conflict of it all. Blogging. It's new for me, sort of. I'm really use to only writing for myself but if I don't share now then when, right!? 

A special thank you to Kayla for motivation!